Monday, November 9, 2009

November Newsletter

October Recap

Our Harvest Dinner was a delicious success with great varieties of food and fun fellowship!

Slate Painting followed dinner. A “one stroke” painting technique was taught by Penny Kimball. We painted flower arrangements on slate blocks (Nancy Dailey provided the slate.) The paintings came out lovely! Thank you Penny, it was fun and we learned a lot.

November Meeting

The November 18th meeting will be held at Trust Florist & Nursery, 4347 Route 11, Pulaski (south of the Pulaski Wesleyan Church). Please note that the meeting will run from 6 - 8 pm.

ELECTIONS at our November 18th Meeting. BE SURE TO VOTE!!

Running for office:
  • Nancy Dailey – President
  • Vice President – Marci Groman
  • 2nd Vice President – Claire Witter
  • 2nd Vice President – Mike Nisky
  • Secretary – Jan Tighe
  • Assistant to Secretary – Linda Cough
  • Treasure – Herta Wilson

COMMUNITY “Thank You” project:

This year, instead of making wreaths for us, the club would like to acknowledge and thank different organizations with in our community by making and presenting them with a Christmas wreath. So…come one come all, decide on an organization you want to thank, decorate and present it.

Trust will again provide the space and greens at no charge and the club will pay for the frame. Bring your decorations on the 18th so you can finish your wreath that night and present it while it is still fresh.

If you have not already signed up for an organization, call Marci Groman 387-3329 or Nancy Dailey 298-4336 and let them know your choice of organization so that we will not have duplications. Need suggestions of who to give a wreath to? Call us. We have lots of ideas!

If you desire to make a wreath for your self, as well, the frame will be charged according to size and payable to Trust Nursery and there will be no charge for the greens.

This Christmas season the Club voted to donate $100 to the Friendship Shoppe and The North Country Church Soup Kitchen in Sandy Creek.

Planning Ahead

CHRISTMAS PARTY - Mark your calendars now!! Wednesday, December 9th at 6 pm at the Salmon River Fine Arts Center. Additional information to follow.

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